Duplex asye pur refere a yon materyèl ki gen mikrostruktur ki konpoze de ferit ak austenit, chak kontablite pou apeprè 50%. Nan itilizasyon aktyèl, li pi apwopriye pou youn nan faz yo ant 40-60%.
According to the characteristics of the two-phase structure, by properly controlling the chemical composition and heat treatment process, the excellent toughness and weldability of austenitic stainless steel are combined with the higher strength and chloride stress corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steel, making duplex stainless Steel Yon kalite asye ki konbine ekselan rezistans korozyon, gwo fòs ak pwosesis fasil ak manifakti. Their physical properties are between austenitic stainless steel and ferritic stainless steel, but closer to ferritic stainless steel and carbon steel. The resistance to chloride pitting and crevice corrosion of duplex stainless steel is related to the content of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen. Its resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion can be similar to that of 316 stainless steel, or higher than that of stainless steel for seawater, such as 6%MO austenitic stainless steel. All duplex stainless steels are significantly more resistant to chloride stress corrosion cracking than 300 series austenitic stainless steels, and their strength is also much higher than austenitic stainless steels, while showing good plasticity and toughness.
Divès kalite fòm pwodwi nan Duplex asye pur: plak ak bann tiyo -tiyo welded ak tiyo san pwoblèm forgings tiyo ekipman ak baton baton ak fil
Duplex asye pur ka jeneralman divize an kat kategori:
De: Mwayen Kalite Alloy, Reprezantan Klas UNSS31803, PREN: 32-33, rezistans korozyon se ant AISI316L ak 6%Mo+N Austenitik asye pur.
Twa: kalite alyaj segondè, jeneralman ki gen 25% CR, tou gen molibdèn ak nitwojèn, kèk tou gen ladan kòb kwiv mete ak tengstèn, klas estanda yo se UNSS32550, pren: 38-39, rezistans korozyon se pi wo pase 22% cr duplex asye pur.
Four: Super duplex stainless steel type, containing high molybdenum and nitrogen, standard grades are UNSS32750, some also contain tungsten and copper, PREN>40, can be used in harsh medium conditions, with good corrosion resistance and mechanical comprehensive properties, comparable to super Austenitik asye pur. (Remak: Pren: rezistans rezistans valè ekivalan)
Chemical composition The main alloying elements of duplex steel are Cr, Ni, Mo and N. Among them, Cr and Mo are used to increase the ferrite content, while Ni and N are austenite stabilizing elements. Gen kèk klas asye tou gen eleman tankou Mn, Cu, ak W. Cr, Ni, ak Mo ka amelyore rezistans korozyon. Rezistans li nan opozisyon ak kreyòl nan fant se patikilyèman bon nan klori ki gen anviwònman.
Avantaj nan duplex asye pur
1. Konpare ak asye pur austenitik
2) Li gen rezistans ekselan nan estrès korozyon fann, espesyalman nan anviwònman ki gen iyon klori. Menm duplex asye pur ak kontni an alyaj ki pi ba gen pi wo rezistans nan estrès korozyon fann pase austenitik asye pur. Kowozyon estrès se yon pwoblèm enpòtan ki òdinè asye pur austenitik se difisil yo rezoud. 3) The corrosion resistance of the most common 2205 duplex stainless steel used in many media is better than that of ordinary 316L austenitic stainless steel, and super duplex stainless steel has extremely high corrosion resistance. In some media, such as acetic acid and formic acid, it can even replace high-alloy austenitic stainless steel and even corrosion-resistant alloys. 4) Li gen bon rezistans lokal korozyon. Compared with austenitic stainless steel with the same alloy content, its wear corrosion resistance and corrosion fatigue resistance are better than austenitic stainless steel. 5) The linear expansion coefficient is lower than that of austenitic stainless steel, close to that of carbon steel, suitable for connection with carbon steel, and has important engineering significance, such as the production of composite plates or linings.
2. Konpare ak asye pur feritik, avantaj ki genyen nan duplex asye pur yo jan sa a:
1) pwopriyete yo konplè mekanik yo pi wo pase sa yo ki nan asye ferritik pur, espesyalman severite plastik. Li se pa tankou sansib a fragilite kòm feritik asye pur.
2) Eksepte pou rezistans korozyon estrès, lòt rezistans lokal korozyon se pi bon pase feritik asye pur.
3) Pèfòmans pwosesis frèt ak pèfòmans frèt fòme yo pi bon pase ferritic asye pur.
4) Pèfòmans nan soude se pi bon pase ferritic asye pur. Anjeneral, pa gen okenn prechofe obligatwa anvan soude epi yo pa gen okenn tretman chalè ki nesesè apre soude.
5) Range aplikasyon an se pi laj pase sa yo ki an feritik asye pur.
Akòz gwo fòs asye duplex, li ka souvan sove materyèl yo, tankou diminye epesè miray tiyo a. Pran SAF2205 ak SAF2507W kòm egzanp. SAF2205 se apwopriye pou itilize nan anviwònman klò ki gen. Materyèl sa a apwopriye pou raffinage lwil oswa lòt medya pwosesis melanje ak klorid. SAF2205 se patikilyèman apwopriye pou echanjeur chalè ki sèvi ak klò ki gen solisyon akeuz oswa yon ti kras sale dlo kòm medya refwadisman. Materyèl sa a tou se apwopriye pou solisyon dilye asid silfirik ak pi bon kalite asid òganik ak melanj yo. For example: oil pipes in the oil and gas industry: crude oil desalination in refineries, sulfur-containing gas purification, wastewater treatment equipment; Sistèm refwadisman lè l sèvi avèk yon ti kras dlo sale oswa klò ki gen solisyon yo.
Post tan: Feb-05-2025